(4-20-24) Today at the Mercer County Library in Celina a group of Catholic Believers held a time of praying the Rosary in concern over books that are presently available.

The Rosary Crusade of Restoration flyer that was posted describes the concerns and why the group was coming to Celina.

The event took place today at 12 noon.

In October of 2023 concerns were brought up about certain graphic novels that were made available to children and teens at the Celina branch.

Plus, the Mercer County Commissioners, also in October, met and made a new appointment to serve on the Mercer County Library Board of Trustees. Two of the three Commissioners voted to approve Andrea Strable to replace Jan Morrison whose current term ends. The other Commissioner abstained in the voting—


Mercer County Library Book Situation Concerns

Mercer County Commissioners Appoint Strable To Replace Morrison On Library Board Of Trustees