(5-3-22) In statewide Republican Gov. Mike DeWine on Tuesday won his party’s nomination over three callengers for a second term in office and in November will face Democrat challenger former Dayton mayor Nan Whaley, the first woman in the state’s history to receive a major party’s backing for governor.

Locally a large absentee and early in-person voting in Mercer County led to over 32% of the register voters from the county casting a ballot.

In a large turn-out 8,220 Republicans voted (only 5,918 were registered in the county) in the Commissioners race won by challenger Dave Buschur over incumbent Greg Homan 63 to 37%.

County prosecutor Matt Fox easily outdistanced former Judge Donna Post 71 to 29% in the Republican Common Pleas Judge contest.

The Mercer County Health District levy failed 55 to 45%. also failing was a Mercer County Jail tax by just 41 votes,

City of Celina Income Tax renewal passed 57 to 43% and so did the St. Henry Gas Aggregation resolution 86 to 14%.