(6-28-24) In Van Wert County Common Pleas Court this week two Mercer County residents were sentenced.

Burker and Cole

Ecco Burker (39) of Coldwater, was sentenced to up to six months at the MonDay Center in Dayton, three years of community control, 30 days in jail at a later date, and 200 hours of community service for possession of a fentanyl-related compound, a fifth degree felony, and tampering with evidence, a felony of the third degree. Burker is to possess no alcohol or drugs without a prescription, undergo random screens, mental health and substance abuse assessment and treatment, and was ordered to pay partial appointed counsel fees, monthly probation fees and court costs.

Jeremy Cole (33) of Celina was sentenced to three years of community control, 90 days of electronic house arrest with a curfew, and 30 days in jail at a later date for pollution of state land and water, a third degree misdemeanor and having weapons while under disability, a third degree felony. He must undergo substance abuse assessment and treatment and was ordered to pay partial appointed counsel fees and court costs.