(6-14-24) Two upcoming events hosted by the Greenville Public Library.

Fall Gardening program to be held in June

Caden Buschur

GREENVILLE – Ever wanted to plant a fall garden, but not sure when or how to get started? Greenville Public Library’s got you covered!

Join us on Thursday, June 27th at 1 p.m. when Caden Buschur from the Darke County OSU Extension stops by to explain the ins and outs of utilizing the cooler months of fall.

He’ll discuss topics such as the benefits of fall gardening, considerations for managing gardens as the weather starts to cool, extending the growing season, and which crops tend to work best in a fall garden. Caden will also be happy to answer questions and spend a little more time talking about the specific topics people want to learn more about. 

Caden is the Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Educator for OSU Extension, Darke County. He’s been in this position for nearly one year, but has been involved in agriculture all of his life.

Buschur said-

“Gardening, in particular, is something I’ve been passionate about for a long time. I’m also a lifelong Darke County resident, and I enjoy getting to know the county better. I’m very happy to be able to help people while working with agriculture and natural resources.”

This is a free event and registration is not required to attend. For more information, contact the library at (937) 548-3915, or Caden directly by phone at (937) 548-5215 or by email at buschur.46@osu.edu .

Sound Bath and Plein-Air Painting coming to GPL

GREENVILLE – On Tuesday, July 9, Greenville Public Library welcomes facilitator Michelle Hickman, MS, owner of Sense of Healing, for a sound and art journey, where color dances with form. During this meditation, we will get grounded and connected, then create an abstract watercolor! The program will begin at 1 p.m. on the library lawn.

Intuitive painting is a gentle but powerful way to access your inner world, allowing your right and left brain to begin to work together. This experience will help to harmonize your inner state, as you gain skills and practice becoming calmer and more peaceful in the moment.

Creating art is the easiest way to meditate, because you are allowing the “doing” to guide you into the meditative state, rather than sitting still and trying to stop the mind. Whether you consider yourself creative or not, you will be guided into unexplored landscapes within you, as you get lost in colors flowing into other colors, layering on top of each other, and creating a kaleidoscope of light and form, just like you.

Anyone of any skill level is welcome at this event, including beginners! No experience is needed, and with a little guidance your creativity will flow. All materials are included. Registration is required for this event by calling (937) 548-3915.

Those who would especially benefit from and appreciate this journey include: people who want an exciting, fun, and more effective way to practice self-care; those looking for daily motivation that will inspire them to build a healthier lifestyle; anyone interested in crafting a short wellness routine that actually fits into a busy lifestyle with ease; a person interested in well-being practices that allow them to become more present, focused, and elevate their mood; someone that wants to try different holistic classes, anywhere and anytime; and everyone that would like to unleash their inner peace, strength and vitality.

In her art and wellness studio, Michelle unites several modalities in an intuitive flow to support self-healing and expansion of consciousness. As an intuitive guide and mixed-media artist, sherealizes that energetic pathways are a part of all life! 

Michelle has developed many of the tools and practices she now incorporates by seeking healing for herself for over a decade. She offers private and group sessions to help your body relax, so your mind can focus. Included are: Workshops and Day Retreats with Meditation Art with Sound Integration; Sound Bath with Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, crystal singing bowls and gongs; Body Tune-ups and Biofield Tuning; Mindfulness Practice; and Cacao Experience.

For more information on Michelle and her offerings, visit her Facebook page, Sense of Healing. To get in touch with her, you can email her at senseofhealing@gmail.com .