(6-14-24) According to today’s Portland Commercial Review a recent investigation has found no wrongdoing following a complaint of harassment by Portland’s Police Chief Dustin Mock, assistant police chief Donnie Miller and investigator Jeff Hopkins against the city’s clerk-treasurer Lori Phillips.

Commercial Review storyBoard finds no harassment

Jerry Leonhard, Portland Board of Works statement on the situation at the group’s Wednesday night meeting-

“We the members of the Portland Board of Works find no violation of harassment or violations of city codes by Lori Phillips in the complaint by Chief Mock,”

In a nine-page report, given to the Commercial Review, dated April 11, city attorney Wes Schemenaur provided the following conclusion:

“I do not find that the March 19 email from clerk-treasurer Phillips to the city council constituted a violation of the city’s personnel policies.”

“I do not find that the email meets the definition of Verbal Harassment as the ordinance requires repeated attacks.”

The report included portions of Phillips’ email-

“disconnect and blatant disrespect within the City of Portland leadership.”

A portion of Chief Mock’s letter that was directed towards Mayor Jeff Westlake –

(Phillips) has made false and damaging statements about me and other members of the police department in her official capacity, which may constitute libel” and that those statements “have caused harm to my reputation and well-being.”