Fredrick Cass - Rosario
Fredrick Cass – Lindeva Rosario

(7-1-23) A Mercer County Common Pleas Court jury on Friday found Frederick Cass (34) of Celina guilty of reckless homicide, possession of a fentanyl related compound and tampering with evidences.

Cass was acquitted on involuntary manslaughter and rape charges. Cass was charged in the death of his girlfriend Lindeva Roasrio (35) Celina on July 9th in the summer of 2020.

He is presently being housed in the Mercer County Adult Detention Center and is awaiting sentencing.

This week Mercer County Common Pleas Judge Matt Fox presided over the trial, in 2020 Fox was the Mercer County Prosecuting Attorney and facilitated the investigation into the incident..

Original indictment against Cass —

Superseding indictment –