(6-12-24) This is a story of a precious little boy ,Kaid, and according to his mom…

Our boy is truly a miracle

Kaid’s mom Beki told us…

We really appreciate all the support and prayers from everyone and we are amazed how many people Kaid’s story has reached.

She also asked us to share the GoFund Me page

If you would like to link our go fund me the website https://gofund.me/c5a635af This is helping us to stay in Columbus while we are both off work.

Kaid’s journey begins….

May 22nd posting on Facebook-

At 9:27 this morning, we welcomed our precious baby boy, Kaid Bronson Staugler, into the world. Despite the early timing at 24 weeks and 6 days, we believe that this is part of God’s plan. Kaid was life flighted to Nationwide in Columbus, where he is showing incredible resilience. We understand that this will be a challenging and lengthy journey. We ask for your continued prayers for all of us.

May 31st posting on Facebook-

We really appreciate all the love and support we’ve received over the last 9 days. As we previously shared, we found out Tuesday that Kaid had suffered from multiple intestinal perforations. In an effort to save his life, an emergency surgery was performed to remove some of his intestines and to clean out the infection. The hospital didn’t give us much hope but hour by hour, we watched Kaid’s condition improve and he began to stabilize. But God!

We’ve been waiting since Tuesday for Kaid’s follow up surgery but yesterday’s surgery was cancelled due to reasons beyond our control and then today’s surgery did not go as planned due to too much swelling. All we can think is that God knows things we don’t and today was just not the day for this to happen. Instead, the doctors put in a new silo and will try again next week.

We ask for your continued prayers for his healing and that we can avoid any further complications. Specifically, please pray for the edema to go away and for no infections so we can get his little belly closed up.

We are so very thankful to still have our precious baby boy here with us and we know God is in control but this is so very hard on us so please just keep praying for our little family.

Most recent update from June 10thon June 9th he weighed 1 lb 15 oz.

Kaid update(Long but worth the read!):

You can watch the video on Facebook – Kaid Staugler

Kain, Beki and Little Kaid

We know that we have a long journey ahead, but I am incredibly proud of Kaid and deeply grateful to God for everything He is doing for him and our family. After Kaid’s first surgery, a brain ultrasound revealed two grade 1 bleeds. A follow-up ultrasound showed an additional bleed in the cerebellum. Although brain bleeds are common in small babies, undergoing surgery increases the likelihood of more significant bleeds(he had 5 in a short time). A third scan indicated that the bleeding had progressed but was not considered “catastrophic.” Today’s scan showed that the two grade ones have mostly resolved, and the cerebellum has not worsened. In fact, it appears that the ventricles may have even shrunk. BUT GOD! 🙌

Yesterday, Kaid started back on small feeds of breast milk, and we remain hopeful that his belly has healed and he will be able to digest perfectly. His lungs are also doing well, and we are planning to discuss transitioning him from the ventilator to a CPAP machine by the end of the week, as long as the feeds continue to go well.

On a lighter note, Kaid has discovered how to suck and has taken a liking to his pacifier, fingers, and anything else he can put in his mouth, including his tubes! He also loves music. Today, we sang the following song: “He’s still working on me, to make me what I need to be. It took him just a week to make the moon and stars, the sun and the earth, and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be, cause He’s still working on me.”

Our boy is truly a miracle, and I believe it is because so many people are praying for him. Please continue to pray for him and his team at Nationwide.

You can follow Kaid’s adventure on Facebook atBeki Ann’s Facebook Page