(6-11-24) Supporters of a Republican-backed (HB 245) bill that would ban drag performers from doing shows in public places within view of children testified before the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee last Wednesday.

During the Hearing two from Celina area residents shared their thoughts on HB 245.

Shawn Meyer and Jason King

Celina City Council President Jason King said an annual drag show event in Celina has been a problem for families who frequent the park and nearby splash pad. King is the brother-in-law of Rep. Angie King (R-Celina), the sponsor of HB 245.

King said the annual drag performances at the park have featured obscene behavior, offensive signs, and sex toys like plush penis pillows or penis tip squeeze balls.

King said-

“Under the First Amendment banner of free speech, these individuals claim they can basically do as they please in our public spaces as a guaranteed right. But one person’s first amendment right should not be sacrificed at the expense of another.”

Celina Aletheia Christian Church Pastor Shawn Meyer during the hearing said-

“I’m not the first to ask why drag queens are so insistent on performing for young children. Why don’t we hear of drag events in nursing homes? The answer seems obvious. One audience is far more impressionable than the other.”

House Bill 245 would prohibit “adult cabaret performances” in locations other than adult cabarets.

In a written statement to the committee –

Maria Bruno of Equality Ohio

“Proponents of HB 245 argued that entertainment including drag or trans performers is no different than strip shows and topless dancers. This is just the latest of many attempts to criminalize Ohioans not strictly adhering to narrow gender stereotypes. This vague criminalization has no place in a society that values free expression.”

Bruno added that the negative characterization of the Celina event will not dissuade her group.

“We will continue to loudly and joyfully celebrate pride and our community, and we’ve come too far to be intimidated back into the closet.”