Queen of Hearts.jpg

(12-1-17) The third drawing of the night at the ‘Whistle Stop’ in Ansonia made St. Henry’s Jason Broering  of St Henry a very rich man when he turned over #52 on the game board, revealing the ‘Queen of Hearts’. The total jackpot  was well over $725,000, with  Broering’s winnings coming to $580,000.

Whistle Stop owner Andrew Riffle told earlybirdpaper.com after the drawing:

“I have lived here my whole life and know how hard it is to raise funds in a small town. We didn’t just raise a little money for this small town…we raised a ton of money. I will look back at this for years and smile. It makes me proud!”

The next drawing is scheduled to get underway in the Spring of 2018.

The ‘Queen of Hearts’ game is growing around the country –

Morris (Illinois) – VFW RAFFLE GROWS A $1.6 MILLION JACKPOT – 8-18-2017

Read more at earlybirdpaper.com:

Jackpot! St Henry man wins Whistle Stop’s Queen of Hearts